[CS-FSLUG] Strange log messages

Josiah Ritchie jritchie at bible.edu
Tue Dec 7 10:14:06 CST 2004

On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 10:50 -0500, K Montgomery wrote:
> I concur.  In the IP netfilter section of the kernel configuration, 
> there are options to support MARK matching and a MARK target under 
> packet mangling.  I've never used these features, so I don't know what 
> purpose they really serve.  I would put them in the "if you don't know 
> what it is, you don't need it" category.

I've used them to setup a vlan-like seperation keeping 2 networks on a
WAN seperate but able to share a pipe. The mark is set when it comes
onto the pipe and when in gets to the end it is sent to a specific route
table (iproute2) according to the mark. Pretty slick once you get your
head around it. It took me awhile. That's just one possible use. I
suppose there are others.


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