[CS-FSLUG] Alpha course---OFFENDED!

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at uninetsolutions.com
Fri Dec 3 11:42:37 CST 2004

Hi Christopher,
> Should I feel offended by this? Probably.

No. There is no reason to be -- I simply suspect that the site linked 
in that message was the same one I ran into the Left Behind rejection 
on. (Incidentally, I see that somehow I ran into this message several 
months late -- I thought it was new... odd.)

> I still REJECT the Alpha program. I know many who have gone to check 
> it out and find themselves feeling WORSE for going (including myself, 
> I became suicidal for a number of months because I felt like I had an 
> "insufficient quantity" of the Holy Spirit). I will stay with my 
> position. The rest of you are free to believe as you will, but this is 
> where I MUST disagree.

	I personally don't see any harm in disagreeing or that it doesn't work 
for certain people. My disagreement with the article (which was what I 
was responding to) was that it critiques from the wrong angles in my 

	I suspect most methods will have some flaws (even the terrible one you 
mention now), but that is where the article could have done better: 
show how to supplement Alpha to avoid that. At least the way I read it, 
the article was instead just attempting to attack the course (and, for 
whatever reason, CCM).

	I'm sorry if you felt offended, there was no offensive intent in my 
message (and, my reply was to the article, not to you... if you posted 
anything about your bad experience with Alpha, I did not see it, I only 
saw the article).


Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
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