[OFB Cafe] Time Magazine and NY Times on Sarah Palin

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri Sep 5 17:24:41 CDT 2008

>> Speaking of lies and garbage, the McSame campaign is going into
> overdrive spewing bullshit all over the american people.
> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/04/politics/animal/main4414049.shtml
> http://WWW.samefacts.com/archives/campaign_2008_/2008/09/palin_v_reality.php
> The only thing in Palin's speech that was true was her name, and even
> that's questionable.

	Hardly the case, but since you don't hold your own candidate up to  
the same standard, I really don't see the point in debating you. I  
guess Obama is perfect and everyone else is evil.

	Never mind that every politician spins -- including Obama *gasp*.  
Never mind no politician puts much substance in to their speeches  
(usually they do less than Palin) -- including Obama. Never mind that  
she did address issues of major difference between the campaigns.  
Never mind that the Obama folks lie about McCain being a third term of  
Bush when few politicians in recent memory have acted more visibly in  
bi-partisan fashion than John McCain -- certainly more so than Obama  
(who is lock step with the Dems more than McCain is with the GOP).  
Never mind all that. Clearly McCain and Palin are evil, filthy  
Washington insiders. How dare he pick and how dare she be a female  
moderately conservative Republican that can steal the limelight from  
Obama. Shame on her. How terrible of her. How dare McCain criticize  
his own party and show his bipartisan stripes -- he should pretend to  
be extremely partisan so that everyone will think he is Bush. How dare  
either of them ever change their minds -- we should count those as  
lies, it's only if you change your mind, like Obama, on the same day  
or the few following it that its OK.

	I'm just wasting my breath. I should stop.


Timothy R. Butler | "Turning and turning in the widening gyre
tbutler at ofb.biz   |  The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
timothybutler.us  |  Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
uninet.info       |  Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world..."
                                                 -- W. B. Yeats

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