[OFB Cafe] Liberals Run From First Amendment Support

dep dep at drippingwithirony.com
Mon Jul 28 13:20:09 CDT 2008

said Fred Smith:

| It's always been understood that Fox is completely supportive of
| anything that Bush and Co. decide to do, regardless of stupid stuff
| like the Constitution or international law, but recently the White
| house press secretary explained that the white house views Fox as
| their own little marketing department, to the point that white house
| staff actually writes scripts for Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity's
| shows. Seriously;  they write the scripts and choose the guests for
| these two shows.

oh, pul-leeze. both sides fax their talking points to all networks every 

| http://www.webtvhub.com/fox-news-officially-busted-video-bill-oreilly-se

it must be true -- it's on the internet!

and it's attributed to a disgruntled former employee who was fired for 
incompetence, whose little book is demonstrably and provably in error on 
all points, most famously that cheney and libby were involved in the 
valerie plame business, when richard armitage, an undersecretary of state 
and opponent of white house policy, has already admitted it was he who 
leaked the material.

a disgruntled former employee who is desperate for a television job, and 
the third-ranked cable "news" network is the only one who will discuss it 
with him.

now. find citations -- times, dates, for any of the below, and you might be 
taken seriously. but you won't, because you can't, because it didn't 
happen. every single assertion below is not just a lie, but a malicious 
lie, and i defy you to prove otherwise. you can't.

| And as for Fox being the "only network that didn't just root for
| Obama";  they did a little bit more than not root for him.
| --  Fox reports that a common greeting used by anyone under the age of
| 140 is a "terrorist fist-jab" when used by Barack Obama
| --  Fox calls Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama," Which is
| simultaneously ridiculously racist, and also implies that the Obama's
| aren't actually married.
| -- Bill O'Reilly (and therefore, the Bush whitehouse) has stated that
| Michelle Obama should be lynched for her views.
| -- Fox has consistently called Obama a muslim, despite the fact that
| he isn't, and refuses to correct themselves.
| -- Fox has consistently been using 8+ year old footage of John McCain
| to make him look younger.
| -- Fox routinely edits video clips to remove parts that make McCain
| look foolish.  In one instance, McCain said "I really don't love
| america" and Fox edited it out. On multiple occasions, they've edited
| interviews where McCain gets confused about middle east geography or
| religious groups.
| To say that Fox is anything but a Bush/McCain mouthpiece is just
| delusional.


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