[OFB Cafe] Liberals Run From First Amendment Support

Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Mon Jul 28 16:23:17 CDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 2:20 PM, dep <dep at drippingwithirony.com> wrote:
> it must be true -- it's on the internet!

By "on the internet", you mean cable news, which actually includes
video of the below noted former employee.

> a disgruntled former employee who is desperate for a television job, and
> the third-ranked cable "news" network is the only one who will discuss it
> with him.
> now. find citations -- times, dates, for any of the below, and you might be
> taken seriously. but you won't, because you can't, because it didn't
> happen. every single assertion below is not just a lie, but a malicious
> lie, and i defy you to prove otherwise. you can't.
> | And as for Fox being the "only network that didn't just root for
> | Obama";  they did a little bit more than not root for him.
> |
> | --  Fox reports that a common greeting used by anyone under the age of
> | 140 is a "terrorist fist-jab" when used by Barack Obama


> |
> | --  Fox calls Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama," Which is
> | simultaneously ridiculously racist, and also implies that the Obama's
> | aren't actually married.


> |
> | -- Bill O'Reilly (and therefore, the Bush whitehouse) has stated that
> | Michelle Obama should be lynched for her views.


> |
> | -- Fox has consistently called Obama a muslim, despite the fact that
> | he isn't, and refuses to correct themselves.


> |
> | -- Fox has consistently been using 8+ year old footage of John McCain
> | to make him look younger.


> |
> | -- Fox routinely edits video clips to remove parts that make McCain
> | look foolish.  In one instance, McCain said "I really don't love
> | america" and Fox edited it out. On multiple occasions, they've edited
> | interviews where McCain gets confused about middle east geography or
> | religious groups.


I suppose, though, that the libruls doctored the videos with their
high fallutin tech-know-ogee


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