[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Tue Jul 22 12:04:13 CDT 2008

>> 	More jolly good choices -- let's just let the government figure out
>> the reasonable price and dictate it, shall we?
> Even as sarcasm, that isn't working.  The US is the world's champion
> of "Market Forces".  So why isn't Big Oil subject to the same market  
> forces
> as other energy producers?

	Because taxes aren't market forces. It should be a level playing  
field, but my idea of leveling the playing field isn't to add more  
taxes, but less. Remember, I lean libertarian.

>> 	Yes, that's why there are E85 signs all over the place around here,
>> right?
> So, you're one of those people who actually believe that as long as  
> they put
> E85 into their SUVs they're going to save the planet?  E85 is  
> nothing more
> than a way to ensure Big Oil's control of the energy industry.

	No, not at all. I'm not amused by all the E85 stuff. I'm all for more  
options, but I don't think it makes much difference in this case.

	For the record, I drive a relatively efficient petroleum VW New  
Beetle (33 or so MPG on the highway). It doesn't take E85, even if I  
wanted it to...


Timothy R. Butler | "Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in.
Editor, OfB.biz   |  Aim at earth and you get neither."
tbutler at ofb.biz   |                                   -- C.S. Lewis
timothybutler.us  |

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