[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Tue Jul 22 13:35:43 CDT 2008

On July 22, 2008 14:04:13 Timothy Butler wrote:
> >> 	More jolly good choices -- let's just let the government figure out
> >> the reasonable price and dictate it, shall we?
> >
> > Even as sarcasm, that isn't working.  The US is the world's champion
> > of "Market Forces".  So why isn't Big Oil subject to the same market
> > forces
> > as other energy producers?
> 	Because taxes aren't market forces. It should be a level playing
> field, but my idea of leveling the playing field isn't to add more
> taxes, but less. Remember, I lean libertarian.

And I'm all for that too - but as long as the taxes are there, they should be 
paying the same as any other company.  If they weren't being so heavily 
subsidized, we could cut everybody else's taxes (I say "we" because, though 
the mechanisms differ, Canadians subsidize the oil industry as much as 
Americans).  No, taxes aren't market forces, but tax subsidies definitely 
distort market forces, and arguing that Big Oil shouldn't have to pay the 
same taxes as every other company is certainly not libertarian.

> >> 	Yes, that's why there are E85 signs all over the place around here,
> >> right?
> >
> > So, you're one of those people who actually believe that as long as
> > they put E85 into their SUVs they're going to save the planet?  E85 is
> > nothing more
> > than a way to ensure Big Oil's control of the energy industry.
> 	No, not at all. I'm not amused by all the E85 stuff. I'm all for more
> options, but I don't think it makes much difference in this case.

I figure I'm as entitled to sarcasm as you :-)  E85 does theoretically mean we 
save on oil, but it also means that the oil companies get to pretend to 
be "Green" while retaining their control.

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