[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Tue Jul 22 00:33:21 CDT 2008

From: Timothy Butler 
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:15 AM
To: An Open Discussion Forum on Just About Everything,Especially for Techies. 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

> Caution! You're entering the Sarcasm Zone.

Caution!  Sarcasm not appreciated because I happen to be on the short end of the stick when it comes to dealing with Big Oil's monopoly.

> Yes, interfering with the market in another way -- always a good option.

Who's interfering with the market?  I'm just advocating that US oil companies should be taxed identical to any other multinational.  Currently they're not.

More jolly good choices -- let's just let the government figure out the reasonable price and dictate it, shall we?

You seem to have gone off the deep end and lost all sense of reason.  Please re-read what I wrote and show me exactly where I said anything about the government figuring out the price and dictating it.

> Yes, that's why there are E85 signs all over the place around here, right?

Actually that's due to the efforts of a bunch of farmers like me who have invested in ethanol and biodiesel plants.  Unfortunately for you, Big Oil is pushing legislation at this very moment to make those E85 signs disappear.  And Big Oil has a distinct advantage - they can get laws passed to tax and legislate virtually any competition out of business.  If biodiesel was allowed to be sold here without being taxed, like it is in Sweden, a gallon of B100 would cost around a dollar at today's grain prices.  The Federal Government has made it illegal to even TRANSPORT a gallon of B100 fuel much less burn it in an engine.  Federal law dictates that it has to be blended with petroleum (and ethanol has to be blended with gasoline) at the point of production, before it can be transported or sold.  I'll give you one guess who got all these laws passed.

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