[OFB Cafe] Bio Fuels

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Mon Jul 21 13:06:01 CDT 2008

On July 21, 2008 14:20:05 dep wrote:
> said Chris Olson:
> | Well, for starters, how about fabricating "evidence" to wage a war in
> | Iraq?
> what "evidence" was that? 

Provide one shred of evidence that Iraq had any weapons of mass destruction.  
Nobody doubts that they _had_ had such, and that they wanted to have them 
again, but there's no evidence yet found that they had any at the time of the 

> and how did they get the governments and 
> intelligence agencies of numerous other countries to go along with them.
> i'd be fascinated to know.

Which "numerous" countries would those be?  Name a few, other than the UK - 
which has since admitted they had no evidence of their own.

> | Iraq had a leader that was not friendly to US oil interests.
> to what u.s. interests *was* he friendly?

You have an interesting habit of reading more into a sentence than is there.  
If it helps, put a hyphen between US and oil, but you really should try a 
remedial English class.

> | For  the first time in almost 4 decades US oil companies are operating in
> | Iraq now.
> as i understand it, they are operating there only as contractors, with the
> iraqi government actually owning the oil. perhaps, though, you could
> explain how any of this has particularly benefited the oil companies.

Well, the oil companies' bottom lines would be pretty telling.  It doesn't 
matter that they're only contractors - they're the ones making all the profit 
off the oil, not Iraq.


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