[OFB Cafe] Old Computers for Old Guys

dep dep at drippingwithirony.com
Fri Jul 18 19:44:50 CDT 2008

said Fred A. Miller:

| Rick, Minolta years ago made an 85mm lens that was THE BEST, period, THE
| BEST portrait ever produced for 135mm!! Those were the days when Minolta
| was "Minolta" and made it's own glass, including the crucibles. They
| were as good or better in some lenses than Nikon and Canon. But, that
| was then and this is now. ;)

you do realize, right, that minolta entered into partnership with leitz and 
produced, among other things, the so-so leica cl and the superb 
leitz/milolta cle, and during that time, they were making lenses for each 
other. when i was doing radio for wor in noo yawk, i carried a cle with 
the 28mm minolta lens. was way cool. also could use the incomparable 21mm 
super angulon -- which the abysmal leica m-6, with that stupid flapping 
meter thing (shared by the cl) could not.

(though truth be known, though i shot leicas for wideangle work for years 
and years, my favorite rangefinder was the canon p with the 50mm 1.2 canon 
lens. what a delight that camera was!)

this thread actually caused me to go to ebay last night and almost buy a 
rollei 35. i used one of those, black, 3.5, singapore, as my lone camera 
for almost two years as a knight ridder reporter/photographer in flirida 
in the mid-70s. utterly manual. utterly wonderful. really makes me long to 
shoot film again. dammit.

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