[OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Tue Jul 15 06:27:44 CDT 2008

From: Donald R Spoon 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 1:08 AM
To: Cafe Blog 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

> These are the people who fit somewhere 
> between one and zero that our digital culture cannot handle...

Yep, and I guess I'm one of those.  When I got appointed as Chair of the Town Board a couple years ago everybody was pressuring me to run for the position in the election, and they'd tell me I have to be "Republican" if I want to get voted for, because around here Democrats always lose elections.  I served out my term, and did my job to the best of my ability, then refused to run for the position - not because I didn't enjoy what I did, or like it - simply because the mechanics of the politics involved in elections are so stupid that I refuse to take part in it.

The pigeon-holing that goes on in politics, and in fact the entire political party system is fracked up beyond all recognition, is the reason many people have no interest in even voting.  A person can't select a candidate based on who that person thinks is the best and ignore party affiliations, it seems.  Example; I think Obama is the best choice in this year's presidential election, and I immediately get called "liberal", which is the same as "Democrat" in political jargon.  Well, I'm not.  I'm a Wisconsin Northwoods Hick.  

Now, my WIFE could be pigeon-holed because she is a true "liberal".  She grew up in that culture in a country where society is truly "liberal", and she says it works much better than what we have in the US.  But like Fred (Smith) said, many people use the term and they don't know what it means - only that they think it's BAD.

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