[OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

Donald R Spoon drspoon at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 15 01:08:42 CDT 2008

> Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 23:28:49 -0500 From: "Chris Olson" 
> <chris.olson at live.com> Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...
> Actually, I can't be lumped in with any of the commonly accepted political definitions because I'm a Wisconsin Northwoods Hick.  A "Libertarian" sounds to me like somebody who takes care of books.
> --
> Chris
Fair 'nuff...

Actually, this is a good example of why I hate pigeon holes.  When I was 
getting some "edycashun" on engineering things back before the 
reformation, ;-)        the major orientation was to analog thinking.  
Digital methods were just starting to come into the world that I lived 
in, and ALWAYS were considered approximations of the  "real" analog 
world.  It was entirely  possible to NOT be a "Conservative" or a 
"Liberal", or a "Libertarian" and still be regarded as a normal human 
being.  The political spectrum was continuous (analog in nature), with a 
handful of separate lumps you could attach yourself to, IF you wanted. 

There wasn't any of this "either/or" digital thinking that goes on today 
and that forces people into well-defined pigeon holes.  The POWERS get 
nervous when they can't classify a Wisconsin Northwoods Hick, or a 
Cajun, or a Texan, or a Redneck or an Appalachian.  That is why they 
allow the catch-all term "Independent" to hang around.  This is the 
usual modus operandi in Medicine.  Classify what you can and everybody 
left over goes into "Other".   These are the people who fit somewhere 
between one and zero that our digital culture cannot handle...

-Don Spoon-

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