[OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Tue Jul 15 08:02:36 CDT 2008

On July 14, 2008 21:10:25 Donald R Spoon wrote:

> In my opinion, that is why the elections this year are in such a
> muddle.  Congress and the President have seriously disappointed the
> electorate.  Both have lost all credibility and the trust of "the
> people"  I also think that is why BO's "Hope" message resonated early
> on.  People where so down on any part of the Government that any
> "change" looked good.  As it has played out, that too is sounding quite
> hollow.  He is an empty suit without much substance.  It all is enough
> to "Gag a Maggot"...

Yes, well...  Up here in the North, where our "Conservatives" would be 
considered raging Liberals by you 'Muricans, and Socialists like me would 
just be shot, politicians aren't managing any better credibility.  From here, 
Obama's _looked_ like the best choice - for Canadians! - but it hasn't 
escaped my notice that there might be very little substance.

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