[OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Mon Jul 14 21:23:34 CDT 2008

>> rotten.  This is the reason McCain et. al. are having a rough time  
>> with
> their "base".   Most Conservatives and Libertarians don't trust the
> current group any farther than they can throw them.

	Quite true. I think that is why a lot of fairly politically engaged  
folks got excited about Ron Paul. If he had been a little less  
interested in minutia that doesn't play well on prime time and didn't  
have anti-semitic associations in his past, he might have been really  
exciting. I liked him until I found out about the latter part.

	He fit quite well as a compromise, I think. His socially conservative  
positions certainly worked well to broaden his base amongst  
traditional conservatives.

> Once the Republicans trashed their main drawing card for the
> Libertarians (less government) then the Democrats looked a bit better.
> Things  like no government interference on Drugs, Abortion, Stem Cell
> research, no war, etc.  were quite in line with their "wants".   The

	True. The stem cell and abortion issues do get tricky from a  
libertarian standpoint, though, I think. Generally, they don't want  
them restricted, but nor do they want the government to subsidize  
those activities. Dems want to pay for abortions and the big argument  
with Bush was over prohibiting federal funds for stem cell research...

	I often wonder why more people don't vote libertarian. Most people  
like the LP's ideas, they just never vote for the candidates that  
support them.

> P.S.  I am now getting into a defensive position, preparing for  
> Chris's
> rant in response... ;-)

	I have an extra pair of asbestos trousers, if you'd like them.


Timothy R. Butler | "He that has and a little tiny wit—
Editor, OFB.biz   | With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,—
tbutler at ofb.biz   | Must make content with his fortunes fit,
timothybutler.us  | For the rain it raineth every day."
                                   -- Feste the Fool (Shakespeare)

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