[OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

Donald R Spoon drspoon at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 14 19:10:25 CDT 2008

> 	I'd agree with you, generally. Chris is sounding somewhat liberal  
> these days (which is why Fred thinks his assessment is correct), but I  
> could hardly imagine calling him a liberal from past experience.
> 	-Tim
I hate pigeon-holes, but I think Chris would be better described as 
"Libertarian" than either Conservative or Liberal.  Most people lump 
Libertarians into the Conservative group, but that is quite wrong.  
Libertarians primarily believe in and REALLY value the least government 
possible which leads to some rather "different" goals than you would 
think.  In the past the Republicans promised reduced government as a 
party "plank".  This attracted BOTH Libertarians and Conservatives, but 
the last 8 years has shattered that myth.  The current group of 
Republicans in power were only paying lip-service to the concept.  It 
turned out to be a missing "plank" or if present then it was quite 
rotten.  This is the reason McCain et. al. are having a rough time with 
their "base".   Most Conservatives and Libertarians don't trust the 
current group any farther than they can throw them.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on  me!"

Once the Republicans trashed their main drawing card for the 
Libertarians (less government) then the Democrats looked a bit better.  
Things  like no government interference on Drugs, Abortion, Stem Cell 
research, no war, etc.  were quite in line with their "wants".   The 
Dems do offer other forms of increased Government interference such as 
increased taxes, "nanny state" programs, gun control, free (rationed) 
health care, mandated (rationed) education for all, Government oversight 
of all business activities, and wealth redistribution.  Some of these 
things appeal to Libertarians, others don't.  Same with the 
Conservatives and the "Religious Right".

In my opinion, that is why the elections this year are in such a 
muddle.  Congress and the President have seriously disappointed the 
electorate.  Both have lost all credibility and the trust of "the 
people"  I also think that is why BO's "Hope" message resonated early 
on.  People where so down on any part of the Government that any 
"change" looked good.  As it has played out, that too is sounding quite 
hollow.  He is an empty suit without much substance.  It all is enough 
to "Gag a Maggot"... 

-Don Spoon-

P.S.  I am now getting into a defensive position, preparing for Chris's 
rant in response... ;-)

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