[OFB Cafe] Chris's Politics...

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Tue Jul 15 08:10:32 CDT 2008

On July 14, 2008 23:23:34 Timothy Butler wrote:

> 	I often wonder why more people don't vote libertarian. Most people
> like the LP's ideas, they just never vote for the candidates that
> support them.

That's easy.  I've been at times a card-carrying Libertarian.  OK, that might 
be just a touch awkward to reconcile with my generally socialist values, but 
politics isn't easy...  Anyway, I remember discussing candidates with close 
friends 20 years ago, and when I said I was voting for the Libertarian, one 
said "How can you vote for Nazis?".  Unfortunately, he has a point.  Nazis 
and others who want to hold outrageous and abhorrent positions, are drawn to 
a party that wants government interference kept to a minimum, and many 
Libertarians can't figure out how to tell them they're not welcome.

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