[OFB Cafe] Gore's New Energy Device

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Mon Jul 14 13:15:41 CDT 2008

From: Timothy Butler 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 12:25 PM
To: An Open Discussion Forum on Just About Everything,Especially for Techies. 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Gore's New Energy Device

> An old, but good joke. Imagine if you attached one of these things to  
> the capital building when the senate was in session. You could power  
> all of D.C. for a month.

If you could capture both the hot air and the bullshit, then run the bullshit thru a digester to extract the methane from it, you might.  But I'd have to do a feasibility study and run the energy calcs on that.  I don't know how many BTU's a politician puts out.  I have seen evidence that the sole cause of Global Warming is ALGOR giving speeches on Global Warming.  And even though ALGOR is a politician of the worst kind (one with a money-making scheme), I suspect the BTU output of the average politician is still pretty substantial.

On a more practical note, we're finally getting some return on the hundreds of tons of garbage per day that the Twin Cities Metro hauls almost 150 miles one way and dumps in our beautiful Wisconsin North Woods (as far as I'm concerned, I'd just as soon see those city slickers get buried in their own garbage in their own streets, and rot with it, but that's another rant).  Dairyland Power (I'm on the Board of Directors) installed a 1.7 mW gas turbine genset on the Sarona, WI landfill, that runs on methane generated in the landfill, and it's now fully operational!  That generator makes enough power to supply electricity to approximately 2,700 homes in northwestern Wisconsin.

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