[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Mon Jul 14 08:36:59 CDT 2008

On July 13, 2008 21:24:44 Chris Olson wrote:
> From: Derek Broughton
> Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:54 PM
> To: An Open Discussion Forum on Just About Everything,Especially for
> Techies. Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Cafe List
> > Odd way to not play.  Most of my disagreements with Chris have been in
> > some way political, and to my thinking he's somewhat to the right of
> > Genghis Khan,
> LOL!  I've never had anybody quite put it that way before.  I rather like
> it!  You might be a Redneck if..........you fish with dynamite off the back
> of the bass boat while outrunning the revenuers..........(to use Don's
> latest illustration)

Well, to be fair - Canadians tend to think of _most_ Americans as being pretty 
well out on the right wing.

> To make things perfectly clear, my wife and I have no political party
> affiliation whatsoever.  I'd call my wife a "liberal", being a native of
> Sweden, 

It's pretty hard to be Scandinavian and not liberal ...

> and that usually doesn't go over too good in our community.  For 
> instance, we got kicked out of our church because the old bitties in the
> church got all upset because she wears a quite short mini-sundress to
> church, which supposedly "led all their men astray" (or something like
> that).  Actually, there's more to it than that, but that's another story.

That just burns me.  The old bitties should be drumming out the men who are so 
easily led astray, rather than giving in to their jealousy.  Seems to me 
that's at least two broken commandments...

> I could be considered a "conservative", I suppose, because I'm a life NRA
> member and proudly wear my tee-shirt (with the sleeves ripped off) that
> says on it "They can take my gun when they pry my cold dead fingers from
> around it".  But I'm not a true conservative because I went and bailed my
> wife out of jail last year, and stuck up for her, when she got arrested for
> nude sunbathing in the back yard at our town house (actually that was
> because the guy across the river was watching her with a telescope and it
> was his wife that called the cops - this was about the 3rd or 4th time -
> but that's another story too).  So I'm not like Ann Coulter, or anything
> like that, otherwise I would've just left her in jail.

LOL.  I put on a swimsuit to go for a dip on the weekend.  My wife 
said "that's not like you", and I told her I didn't want to upset the 
neighbours - pretty well any other time I've gone swimming this year, there's 
been enough fog that we couldn't see neighbours.  Whatever happened to "A 
man's [or woman's] home is his castle"?  If the guy came onto your property, 
you could shoot him, but if he invades with a telescope it's OK.  

> The bottom line is that it's pretty much a no-brainer.  Put McCain at the
> helm and this Titanic that we call the United States will surely hit an
> iceberg and end up at the bottom of the ocean. 

There was an Onion headline last week, something to the effect of "McCain 
announces that he will withdraw all troups from the US"...  Needless to say, 
I can't find it now.

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