[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Sun Jul 13 19:24:44 CDT 2008

From: Derek Broughton 
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:54 PM
To: An Open Discussion Forum on Just About Everything,Especially for Techies. 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Cafe List

> Odd way to not play.  Most of my disagreements with Chris have been in some 
> way political, and to my thinking he's somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan,

LOL!  I've never had anybody quite put it that way before.  I rather like it!  You might be a Redneck if..........you fish with dynamite off the back of the bass boat while outrunning the revenuers..........(to use Don's latest illustration)

To make things perfectly clear, my wife and I have no political party affiliation whatsoever.  I'd call my wife a "liberal", being a native of Sweden, and that usually doesn't go over too good in our community.  For instance, we got kicked out of our church because the old bitties in the church got all upset because she wears a quite short mini-sundress to church, which supposedly "led all their men astray" (or something like that).  Actually, there's more to it than that, but that's another story.

I could be considered a "conservative", I suppose, because I'm a life NRA member and proudly wear my tee-shirt (with the sleeves ripped off) that says on it "They can take my gun when they pry my cold dead fingers from around it".  But I'm not a true conservative because I went and bailed my wife out of jail last year, and stuck up for her, when she got arrested for nude sunbathing in the back yard at our town house (actually that was because the guy across the river was watching her with a telescope and it was his wife that called the cops - this was about the 3rd or 4th time - but that's another story too).  So I'm not like Ann Coulter, or anything like that, otherwise I would've just left her in jail.

When it comes to political affiliations, we go with what we feel is best.  The record of the current Republican administration is not good.  McCain's voting record is not good.  McCain's military and political history is not good.  The man knows absolutely nothing, nadda, about economics.  He frequently makes serious mistakes when talking to the press about foreign policy issues - an area he professes to be an expert on.  He's a bumbling idiot that needs his buddy, Joe Lieberman, whispering sweet nothings in his ear so he doesn't say the wrong thing during a press interview.  And we're supposed to support this man for President of the United States?  Uh, uh.  Not here, baby.

So my wife sent a sizeable contribution to the Obama campaign this year.  Not that we agree with Obama on all issues, but the fact is he has his head screwed on straight - something very few politicians have managed to accomplish.  The man is an accomplished public speaker, and writes his own speeches, which is one of the foremost qualities needed by any true leader.  My wife knows his campaign economic advisor, and he has chosen well.  He has many other things that point in his favor.

The bottom line is that it's pretty much a no-brainer.  Put McCain at the helm and this Titanic that we call the United States will surely hit an iceberg and end up at the bottom of the ocean.  As it is right now, the country is just about bankrupt BEFORE the taxpayers get done paying for the latest military adventure in Iraq.  McCain is all for starting another one with Iran, and Bush and Cheney are bound and determined to make a military strike on Iran before they get booted out of office to protect their private oil interests.  This country can't afford it.  And that's the REAL bottom line.  It's time for the Republican Oil Men to get voted out of Washington, and that's exactly what's going to happen this coming November.  The American public is fed up with it, and especially the younger voters (who appear to have the most common sense).

That's my take on the issue.  From there, people can label me what they will.  I don't really care.

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