[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Jul 13 12:54:49 CDT 2008

saki wrote:
> Chris Olson wrote:
>> Really.  Let me get this straight; email lists are gradually becoming less popular because of Microsoft?
>> Lets switch to the topic of Global Warming.  Please enlighten me as to how Microsoft is responsible for that one.
> Why not stick to the argument? I rather surprised that you should raise 
> global warming- but then I only know you through your posts.
> M$ have forced (through their monopoly position) numerous, non-compliant 
> programmes onto practically/effectively every PC on the planet. This is 
> bound to make people (who don't know better) believe that M$ IS 
> computing and that everything they do must be fine, and IS, therefore, 
> the standard.

That's part of the "ignorance is bliss" syndrome so prevalent in public 
schools. But then, that's normal for liberals which are the majority in 
teachers.........ignore facts and morals. NEVER learn to find the facts 
on your own, and even if you do, don't get hung up on them just live for 
dogma, how something looks and not what's underneath, etc. A perfect 
example is youth supporting Obama.........youthful stupidity at some of 
it's worse!


Linux is an old Latin word meaning, "I don't have
to support your Windows anymore."

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