[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Sat Jul 12 20:12:23 CDT 2008

From: Patrick Shanahan 
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:43 PM
To: cafe at ofb.biz 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Cafe List

> Look at all the rfcs that LookOut violates and all the
> ww3 definitions of html that explorer and web publishing clients from
> mickey$loft massacre

First of all, let me explain that at one point I was as big of a Microsoft basher as you are.  However, in my old age, I consider myself grown up enough to not have use terms like "mickey$loft", "m$", etc..  I prefer to refer to the company as "Microsoft", so as to not appear to be some sort of religious idiot.  You won't find me making fun of whatever operating environment you use, no matter how much I dislike it (although I used to do it a lot).

Further, I must say I don't care much about the rants related to RFC's and WW3 Definitions since the fact of life is that you have standards and you have defacto standards.  The old saying is, "how does Bill Gates change a light bulb?  He doesn't.  He just declares darkness the new defacto standard". 

The complainers need to realize that they can harp on "standards" all they want but my banking website still only works with IE because it uses ActiveX components.  So I eventually gave up carrying the torch of the "alternative OS" because I want stuff that works without jumping thru hoops.  Like AutoCAD, FarmWorks Site Pro X2, ArcView, and a host of other applications I use, they work without jumping thru hoops - on Windows.  I don't care about substitutes for my applications because they are the industry defacto standard apps in their respective category, and that's what I want to use.

I remember when I switched to IE7 (from Firefox) Tim told me the world would come to and end (in so many words) and my computer would be infected, etc..  It didn't, and I to this day have never run an anti-virus/anti-malware application of any sort in my Windows Vista computer, and I have Windows Defender disabled as well.  As it turns out, IE7 is a really nice web browser, and I like it.  And I no longer have to switch browsers just to use my banking website.  That's called a "defacto standard" and it's just as valid as RFC's and WW3 definitions, except to those who like to carry the torch and preach from the pulpit.

There's a fact of life - when you're the 800 lb gorilla, no matter what the situation, you can do pretty much what you want.  If you're not the 800 lb gorilla, and you don't like what the 800 lb gorilla does, then go do your own thing and quit complaining about it.

> A false statement, one that would be expected from an aoler.  Your age
> should explain that statement.

Aha!  That's what I am - an AOL'er!  I have Mail!!!

<coming back to reality> I'm a computing moron - I know nothing.........

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