[OFB Cafe] PD: Something to Fan the Flames... OFB Endorses Candidates

dep dep at linuxandmain.com
Sat Feb 2 07:13:13 CST 2008

said Timothy Butler:

| 	I'm still trying to figure out why conservatives dislike Huckabee so
| much, but you are certainly not the first to say that.

because he's not a conservative. here's what i wrote on another list on 
january 3, in response to a question asking for an appraisal of the 
republican field. my opinion hasn't changed:

the reason that no one is speaking up much about this, i think, is that 
once again there is no one who can be whole-heartedly supported. each 
candidate carries at least something that under normal circumstances would 
be a disqualifier. unhappily, the democrats are all fearsomely worse, so 
we'll swallow hard and vote for whoever gets nominated.

huckabee is our jimmy carter. period.

ron paul is our howard dean. a stone loon. also a physician, which does not 
necessarily say much except that physicians that go into politics seem to 
be stone loons in alarming proportion.

guiliani's lone claim to fame is that he was able to rally a city that had 
been attacked. (also, you may remember, tried to stay in office after his 
term was over, because he believed himself to be indespensible.) you want 
to know how to rally a city that has been attacked? show up. don't weep 
like a little girl. and, in new york, be a little bit of a jerk about it. 
this qualifies one, though, for nothing.

fred thompson is, sad to say, our john edwards. totally up the butt of the 
american bar association and eagerly devouring -- and passing along -- 
anything that orifice produces. maybe not quite as slimy as john edwards, 
who after his death will be entertainment chairman of the bar association 
of hell. but like edwards thompson has too many suspicious lawyer stains 
on his necktie, and sore knees.

john mccain has experience, true, but he has never let that experience 
mature into wisdom. this is why he has never been right about anything.

what we ought to be praying for is a genuine, brokered convention that 
nominates somebody who isn't even running yet, on about the 36th ballot. 
and that the democrat candidates all get indicted -- as i go on record 
tonight as saying that i believe al gore will be, for fraud in connection 
with the sale of carbon credits -- which would reduce the number of votes 
they receive by about 5 percent.

| 	I wouldn't mind a brokered convention either. Of course, if McCain
| mops everyone else up next week...

the media have certainly crowned him, haven't they. i do modify my 
statement above -- if mccain is nominated, the space gets left blank on my 
ballot. because then either candidate is going to render the country 
unrecognizable, and if the country gets wrecked, i'd just as soon it be on 
the democrats.

Reporting a crooked lawyer to the bar association
is like reporting a child molester to NAMBLA.
						-- me

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