[OFB Cafe] Law Enforcers?

saki tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk
Wed Aug 6 01:01:20 CDT 2008

Hi, all,

Found this on a BBC newsletter, and naturally thought of the list:

The FBI, DEA and CIA all argue that they are the best law enforcement
agency in the world, so to find out once and for all which of them
really is they devise a competition.

They release a rabbit into a forest, and whichever agency finds it first
will be declared the best.

The FBI goes first. After two weeks of interviewing plants and animals,
the FBI concludes that no rabbit has ever existed.

The DEA goes next. After burning down half the forest and defoliating
the rest, they also find no rabbit.

The CIA goes last, and after a few moments, agents drag out a badly
beaten bear, screaming "Ok, Ok! Yes, I'm a rabbit!"


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