[CS-FSLUG] prayer request, reflection

Tim Young Tim.Young at LightSys.org
Mon Apr 9 08:28:54 CDT 2012

The body of Christ is a very odd thing, each of us having strengths 
and weaknesses.  God made us a very complex organism.  There are two 
main ways to reach me, email and Skype.  Occasionally the phone 
works.  Both Skype and email reach me, but occasionally it is delayed 
by a day or two because I am traveling.

When it comes to prayer and spiritual support, it is best that you 
not "put all your eggs in one basket."  If I am traveling and do not 
get your email for two days, it could be that Ed would start praying 
for you before then.  But occasionally something happens when most of 
your primary contact group is down.  One mission I helped with 
technology had two issues at the same time.  Their director suffered 
a heart-attack, and their email server went down.  Everyone they 
would usually contact by email was suddenly out of contact at an 
extremely critical moment.  However, at that time, they still had 
their phones, and they called out to a number of people to get the 
prayer support they could.

Prayer support is very important, but I believe the Lord occasionally 
wants different people to pray for us than we would otherwise get.  
Instead of getting comfortable with a solid "safety-net", I think the 
Lord likes to remind us that He is the one in-charge and the one we 
really need to rely on.  It is  very good to develop some friends who 
will hold you up in prayer, but realize that there are others who can 
do the job too.  After all, it is the same God they are praying to.  
Knowing you have some friends who will devote some time to prayer 
helps us feel safer, but man's faithfulness does not change the 
faithfulness of our God.

My advice: Develop some friends you can contact in a way that suits 
both you and them.  But never change your faith from being in God to 
being in them.

     - Tim Young

On 4/8/2012 12:56 PM, Yama Ploskonka wrote:
> Ron, the founder of our church, is slowly recovering from bad 
> dengue fever.
> (snip)
> So I thought it might make sense that when there is a need for 
> prayer, we would want to figure out a better way to get the word out. 
> So, all in all, prayer needed.
> And advice, opinion.
> standard disclaimer includes family
> Yama

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