[CS-FSLUG] I need a quick way to edit quite a few html documents

Cia Watson ciamarie at my180.net
Wed Jun 8 09:36:10 CDT 2011

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 08:58:04 -0500
davidm at hisfeet.net wrote:

> I'd prefer a color coded html editor capable of multiple documents,
> but even an effective method to do it from command line (if I can find
> adequate and simple documentation) would do the job.
> Any suggestions?

Hi Dave,

I used LMDE for a bit, but realized I wasn't using most of the 'minty'
add-ons, so now I'm using Debian testing (xfce) and it's great.

So to answer your question, on gnome I was used to gedit which will do
color coding of html or other types of text and will do multiple
documents in tabs. As I'm now using xfce I decided to try Geany and
it's really good. I would use it over gedit on gnome, even. If I open
an html file it'll code the different tags a different color, and you
can probably edit the colors it uses, but so far I haven't needed to
find that option. I haven't done any major revision of articles on my
site lately, either...  

Another possibility that I've seen suggested by others, but I've not
played with it very much is bluefish (editor), the package name in
synaptic is just bluefish. Here's the description:

"Bluefish is a GTK+ HTML editor for the experienced web designer.
Its features include nice wizards for startup, tables and frames; a
fully featured image insert dialog; thumbnail creation and automatically
linking of the thumbnail with the original image; and configurable HTML
syntax highlighting.

For validation to work you need weblint and xmllint. For preview to
work, you need a web browser that can view local files given to it
on the command line."

Most likely geany will do the trick .


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