[CS-FSLUG] iPhone or not?

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Tue Feb 24 03:57:43 CST 2009

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Micah Yoder <micah at yoderdev.com> wrote:
> http://us.direct.openmoko.com/products/neo-freerunner
> And my understanding is that you can buy an Android Dev phone after you pay
> $25 to become a developer.  LWN.net is looking at it.

Aha! thanks! And I even found a Polish distributor! Better, it's only
about $370 with the current exchange rate--bad news, though. It's only
a 3-band phone--two here, and one in the US. That makes it nearly
useless, IMO. My son used his tri-band in the US this past summer, and
half the time he couldn't get a decent enough signal to even text.
(which must be really bad, as sms uses the most basic carrier signal).
Where I tend to travel in the US, I would need a quad-band. I noticed
that the G1 _is_ available in Poland now, but I don't like the
carrier. I like the idea of a linux phone, but I'm _really_ drooling
over the Palm Pre. Never wanted an iPhone--too limiting for me--no
multitasking, no copy/paste are the biggest offenders. I don't know
what I'll do when my poor Treo dies, so your posts have been helpful
to me. ;-)

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

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