[CS-FSLUG] Cash Back Credit Card?

Robert Wohlfarth rbwohlfarth at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 08:29:00 CST 2009

2009/2/19 Timothy Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz>

> Well, the thing is, I already pay almost entirely with credit (or debit,
> but mostly credit). So, I'm not looking to change how I buy stuff, I just
> figure it is silly to have a card that doesn't generate any cash back, *if*
> I could have one that would.

Yeah, I use a credit/debit card a lot of the time too. The important point
is not borrowing money. Whether the card goes through Visa's computer
network or the bank's doesn't matter.

> One definitely has to be careful with the budget, though. But, I find I
> actually spend cash more freely than credit. I'm weird like that.

And I'm the total opposite - paranoia makes me skimp more when paying cash.
Graciously, God provided a wife who helps me loosen up a little.

Robert Wohlfarth
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