[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Nathan T. celerate at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 20:16:20 CDT 2008

Micah Yoder wrote:
> I also worry that if Christians spend a lot of time railing against
> "gay rights", it will turn people off to Christ.  I think many in the
> "religious right" have done that.

I feel put off of Christianity just because of how people let it rule 
every facet of their lives. Many Christians think it's their obligation, 
no matter what, to vote for John McCain so long as while he's 
campaigning he caters to a Christian audience. If Bush were to have 
supported abortion or legalizing euthanasia rather than the wars in 
Afghanistan and Iraq wouldn't he have been impeached long ago?

I don't think a theocracy and a democracy/republic can both be in 
control of the same country at the same time.

Nathan T.

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