[CS-FSLUG] PD: Warning from Focus on The Family. I agree 100%!

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Mon Oct 27 18:56:25 CDT 2008

Micah Yoder wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Fred A. Miller <fmiller at lightlink.com> wrote:
>>> As for increasing gay rights and redefinition of marriage, I'm against
>>> it in principle. But, I have to wonder if it is really something we
>>> need to get worked up about, politically? We're in a republic, and
>>> we're going to get the culture and rules that the people want. The
>>> last part of Romans 1 is pretty clear what God thinks about that. He
>>> gives people what they want. There were plenty of heinous activities
>>> in the culture of Paul's day, but he didn't write to the church to
>>> tell them to try to change the rules of the culture. He (and Peter)
>>> wrote that we should lead holy lives in the culture.
>> I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one!
> Ok. Like I say, I'm supporting McCain. Thought about going for Bob
> Barr, but he's not getting any traction. (It was actually the pick of
> Palin that sealed me for McCain, but in hindsight that *may* have been
> a mistake. Things might look different now if Romney was his pick.)

Maybe, and maybe not. I like Palin....VERY sharp lady! The liberal press
hate her, but she stands for family values, among other things.

> And, I'm not really disagreeing that any of this is a problem, just
> pointing out that politics isn't everything to a Christian.

We all know that......or should, at any rate. ;)

> I also worry that if Christians spend a lot of time railing against
> "gay rights", it will turn people off to Christ.  I think many in the
> "religious right" have done that.

'Don't think so. Those who claim that were just looking for an excuse
and found one.

>>> So, what do we do? I'm convinced that while we should vote for people
>>> who hold Godly views, that is not our main concern. Our main concern
>>> is expanding God's kingdom and declaring His glory. We need to be
>>> engaging our culture at every opportunity, pleading with them to come
>>> to Christ. This can be done regardless of the political climate. And
>>> maybe, just maybe, increasing "heat" on traditional Christians will
>>> cause them to stand out from the fake pew-warming Christians, and
>>> cause Christ to become more visible to others.

>> That all NEEDS to happen no matter what happens with the election.
>> However, if NOBama does get elected, it's going to be a LOT harder to do
>> the above.
> How so? The Holy Spirit isn't constrained by who is in office.
> Arguably (or maybe not!), God's kingdom generally grows much *faster*
> under regimes with views unfriendly towards Christians. Look at China
> since it was "closed" in 1948! It virtually certainly now has a lot
> more true Christians than the US.

Well, we don't know that, but there certainly are a LOT more there than
the gov't want!! I WILL be harder for us because we're used to being able
to enjoy free speech. That will end with Obama....just for starters. I see
eventually there will be hidden home churches, and that eventually
all REAL Christians will be in one, because it will be the ONLY way to
truly worship, study His word without limitation, and preach His word
without limitation. Eventually the only church buildings still used as
churches will be those that are state approved, meaning a social order
and that's it. What IS coming will be very similar to what those in Eastern
Europe, China, Kenya and a few other countries now already endure.

Now, for an aside, I also see our beloved Linux being part and parcel
of all this, if for no other reason in that communications will often need
to be kept secret....confidential.

God give us the knowlege and strength to get through what's coming to
our beloved Republic. We're certainly going to need it!


"Politicians and diapers need to be changed
regularly -- and for the same reason."

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