Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Apr 6 14:03:27 CDT 2008

Timothy Butler wrote:
>>> If I did that, I'd be walking on krutches for a long time. I  
>>> prefer not to
>>> break anything intentionally. LOL :-)
>>> In other words, I know *nothing*, *zilch*, *zippo* about gnome and  
>>> switching
>>> would send me either to the dark ages or add another krutch to the  
>>> already
>>> exsisting one. LOL
>> Comparing Gnome and KDE accurately, you WOULD think you're back in the
>> "dark ages." ;) You have to understand that Tim likes a "limited"
>> desktop......more UNpolished. :)
> 	Naw, I just like one that works well. :-P
> 	/me ducks

Then why the praises for 'Bloze2000 from the most immoral company in the 
US? ;)

Fred  "Molon Labe"

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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