[CS-FSLUG] OS/2 Anyone?

Vincent Danen vdanen at linsec.ca
Fri Apr 4 23:54:06 CDT 2008

* [2008-04-04 20:08:00 -0700] Jason Franklin wrote:

>>>> *If* you can install Ubuntu.  Unfortunately, I found a machine that
>>>> wouldn't even install on it.  Had to stick with my trusty  
>>>> Mandriva.  =)
>>> I've found Ubuntu won't even boot on some machines. Others it would
>>> never complete loading. These same machines are running other distros
>>> just fine. Not sure what to make of that. On one ancient laptop I had
>>> Debian vanilla get all installed, then when trying to install Grub
>>> before the reboot, the thing shutdown. Same laptop ran RedHat just  
>>> fine.
>> Yeah... it's thinks like that which make me not a huge fan of Ubuntu.
>> I've had systems that Ubuntu won't boot (to even get the installer
>> going), but SUSE handled it fine (less some hardware support), and
>> Mandriva worked 100% (everything supported).
>Same issue applies to almost every version of Linux I think.  Granted  
>I haven't tried them all, but on various machines, differint distros  
>wouldn't work.  I was able to install and use Ubuntu on my old IBM  
>ThinkPad without issue.  It installed cleaner and worked better than  
>many other distros I tried on that machine.  I dug it.  To each his  
>own I guess.

Oh for sure.  That's just the frustrating thing about Linux
sometimes....  one distro works great, one sorta works, and the other
doesn't at all... yet it's all Linux.  This disparity needs to be
figured out before Linux takes off mainstream.  I mean, if I were a new
user and was going to try "Linux" and if I tried Ubuntu on that laptop,
I probably would have written Linux off right then and there.

Vincent Danen @ http://linsec.ca/
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