[CS-FSLUG] message in Terminal - 2

Hilding he7316575 at yahoo.se
Mon Oct 9 12:32:38 CDT 2006

Ed Hurst wrote:

>Hilding wrote:
>>I have read it, but what to do? Check xorg.conf, for what? The program 
>>starts but with these words will come before starting. So, what shall I 
>>look for in xorg.conf? I have no problem with the browser Opera, 
>>mentioned in the thread, for example.
>The warning itself carries a specific operational failure, most likely
>related to the presence of those lines in your xorg.conf. It may not
>show up in every case, but still be a problem when you try to run
>certain applications, such as GnomeSword or Bibletime. These two may try
>to access hardware which does not exist, but because of the stupid
>defaults in the Ubuntu/Kubuntu xorg.conf, we have to work around it.
>If Wacom hardware is not attached to the machine, it should not be
>configured. Thus, we remove those lines from the xorg.conf file. So,
>open your text editor and change the file. That requires root
>permissions, and the only way I can think of off the top of my head is this:
>   sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>When the editor window opens, remove those sections mentioned. In that
>thread, they show putting a hash-mark (#) at the beginning of each line
>where the problems are, as shown here:
>For me it's just as simple for now to remove those lines by simply
>deleting. Drag your mouse across those sections for input devices
>identified as ISDV4 and delete. Then go down near the bottom and delete
>the lines for stylus, erase and cursor:
>InputDevice     "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
>InputDevice     "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
>InputDevice     "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
>Once you have done this, restart the X server. The quickest way is to
>log out, then at the login screen hit the key combination:
>CTRL+ALT+Backspace. This should restart the X server login screen. Then
>try again either Bibletime or Gnomesword.
May I ask You, what is that? You wrote

input devices identified as ISDV4 and delete. 

I don't know what is meant by ISDV4, sorry to say.

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