[CS-FSLUG] message in Terminal - 2

Ed Hurst ehurst at asisaid.com
Mon Oct 9 12:21:36 CDT 2006

Hilding wrote:

> I have read it, but what to do? Check xorg.conf, for what? The program 
> starts but with these words will come before starting. So, what shall I 
> look for in xorg.conf? I have no problem with the browser Opera, 
> mentioned in the thread, for example.

The warning itself carries a specific operational failure, most likely
related to the presence of those lines in your xorg.conf. It may not
show up in every case, but still be a problem when you try to run
certain applications, such as GnomeSword or Bibletime. These two may try
to access hardware which does not exist, but because of the stupid
defaults in the Ubuntu/Kubuntu xorg.conf, we have to work around it.

If Wacom hardware is not attached to the machine, it should not be
configured. Thus, we remove those lines from the xorg.conf file. So,
open your text editor and change the file. That requires root
permissions, and the only way I can think of off the top of my head is this:

   sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

When the editor window opens, remove those sections mentioned. In that
thread, they show putting a hash-mark (#) at the beginning of each line
where the problems are, as shown here:


For me it's just as simple for now to remove those lines by simply
deleting. Drag your mouse across those sections for input devices
identified as ISDV4 and delete. Then go down near the bottom and delete
the lines for stylus, erase and cursor:

InputDevice     "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice     "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice     "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

Once you have done this, restart the X server. The quickest way is to
log out, then at the login screen hit the key combination:
CTRL+ALT+Backspace. This should restart the X server login screen. Then
try again either Bibletime or Gnomesword.

Ed Hurst
Associate Editor, Open for Business: http://ofb.biz/
Applied Bible - http://ed.asisaid.com/bible/index.html
Plain & Simple Computer Help - http://ed.asisaid.com/

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