[CS-FSLUG] Firewall fights

Stephen J. McCracken smccracken at hcjb.org.ec
Wed Jan 25 17:09:38 CST 2006

> Keep in mind, RH/CentOS comes with SELinux turned on by default. 
> However, it is poorly configured, and tends to generate a ton of log 
> messages because it blocks dbus. I haven't read enough about configuring 
> it to even begin understanding how it works, so I can't do much to fix 

I haven't read up on it, either.  Wouldn't have a clue.

> Either way, this OS offers no hesitation online. That's not simply 
> head-in-the-sand; it works and I don't know enough to do differently. 
> Any advice? Anything in that list you'd change?

I'd probably rework it slightly so I could understand it better.  It all
depends on what you want to know/see.  Do you want to log things so
check up on what's happening?  (CentOS isn't logging anything.)  Do you
ssh in from anywhere or only a few know IP addresses?  Do you care if
others can ping your address? Are you behind a NAT firewall?

Personally, I would probably change things to end up with the below for
now. It's far simplier and probably exactly the same for what you are doing.


# Generated by iptables-save -- modified by sjm 2006.01.25

-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
# Change the line below if you don't want to reply back and tell
# them that they've been rejected to
# or just comment it out as the default DROP policy does the same
-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

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