[CS-FSLUG] [OT] Fresh Dino Bones

Chris Brault groundhog3000 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 26 18:47:51 CST 2005


> > Has carbon dating been proven with any old objects
> where age is known?
> Not that I know of.

Carbon dating is only as accurate as the
predicted/assumed amount of carbon-14 in the
at the time the animal died. This also relies upon the
radioactive decay rate during the interim. So, before,
say 2000 B.C. (i.e. human history) carbon dating is
pretty much guessing.


> > Darwin's theory was limited to changes within a
> > species (an idea which might have some merit), but

> > its a *big* jump from there to changing from
> > one species into another one.
> 'Sure is!
> Fred

Darwin was heavily influenced by his grandfather, who
literally wrote the book on classical evolution. He
originally had it right, that one species, when
reproductively isolated in an ecological niche, will
be subject to natural selection (survival of the
fittest) and so a new sub-species may arise. What he
was not aware of was genetics, that all these subsets
are not "the old species plus new genetic information"
but are instead "the old species minus genetic

So, when Darwin's daughter died and he turned on the
God (inspiring such notables and Marx, Engels, Lenin,
Hitler and Pol Pot), Darwin began to embrase an old
greek idea his grandfather had espouced, the origin of
the species by natural means. At this point, his
actions were meant to spite God, not be scientific,
and so it went and so it is today.

Anyway, evolution is about to die. The big bang is
already dead, it's just the noone is willing to admit
that their religion is dead.

So be glad, when the world turns religious again, it
will embrase the anti-Christ then it's time for Jesus
to return and all is well. 

Gabe Ginorio

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