[CS-FSLUG] rkhunter

K Montgomery keltik at nycap.rr.com
Tue Mar 22 13:49:16 CST 2005

Fred A. Miller wrote:

>Most of you probably know about rkhunter or of it. It does a VERY good job of 
>searching any system for intrusion. I have it compiled and in rpm form. It 
>SHOULD install on any Linux box supporting rpm. If you wan it, let me know 
>via private email and I'll file attach.

In case any of you would find the URL useful: http://www.rootkit.nl

I used this on my Linux desktop/server machine at my old job.  I wish I 
could say I knew it worked, because it never found any rootkits on my 
computer.  (So I assume there weren't any.)  However, I was comforted 
that definition updates were regularly available, and the reports 
provided by the software were very clear.

- Kathy

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