David Aikema daikema at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 00:47:52 CST 2005

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 00:25:29 -0600, Nathan T. <celerate at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've always liked that idea, versions for every OS should be included
> in the one box without increasing the price. With games like "Rise of
> Nations" you have to buy a specialized version for each OS it
> supports, so if you want to use it in both Windows and Mac OS X you
> have to buy a specific copy for each.

At least with my copies of AOE II, the mac version was a port done by
a separate company, and probably a year or so after the release of the
original PC version of the game (and it wasn't cheap).  A little
difficult bundling the two products together that way I think.  I
suspect that Rise of Nations followed a similar route.


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