[CS-FSLUG] OT: Murdering Marxist Planned Parenthood endorses post-birth abortion!!

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Fri Mar 29 20:23:28 CDT 2013

Planned Parenthood lobbyist testifies against born-alive infants
protection act.

Post-birth abortion? You mean 1st Degree MURDER!

Abortionists are MURDERING BABY KILLERS! Why is it legal to murder human
beings who can't defend themselves??? How in the hell is this demonic
women able to sleep?

So, this is not about the life of the mother ? This is about an
inconvenience ... get rid of it, Everyone is a murderer in that room.


"But sometimes, random and meaningless acts of violence are committed by 
mean-spirited men for whom the only cure is a dose of .45 caliber lead.

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