[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sat May 14 21:26:38 CDT 2011

On 05/14/2011 08:01 PM, Timothy Butler wrote:
> On May 14, 2011, at 3:53 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:
>> There are many unsaved who love people well. I can't help but use an example of Rick Warren and his "touchy feely" don't mention specific sins, in fact even in general too many times or the collection plate won't be full theology....among other theology wrongs. But, they love people well. :-$ 
> Yes, I think the church should mention sins. I have my issues with Warren. I'm not thinking this is an either/or, but it often ends up being one. It is our natural tendency to worry more about the other guys than ourselves. Log, meet speck. ;-) 

Correct. I simply use him as an example of "where" a number of churches
have gone today, as well as the majority of convention churches.

> The PCA considered condemning the PC(USA) as apostate, but ultimately decided that there is a lot of good still going on in the PC(USA) -- too much for such a view. I think amongst those who opposed such a decision, there is also a recognition of our own failures as a denomination.

Could be.

>>> A moderate PC(USA) pastor and a very liberal Episcopalian seminarian came to help me while Evangelicals scratched their head and tried to figure out if they could blame me (and the others) for what the pastor did. It really brings the Good Samaritan to life. Who loves mercy, defends justice and walks humbly with their God, as Micah talked about?
>> Few. I'd wonder about the motivation of the Episcopalian.....might have been properly motivated and maybe not. 
> 	So far as I can tell, it was virtuous. He does enjoy a good debate, though. I've since ended up in a Bible study that he is in, so I've gotten to know him better. (Incidentally, it has been a very helpful sort of ecumenical Bible study: we're 4/9 conservative, 1/3 on the fence and 2/9 liberal, but with enough respect for each other that we have very constructive dialogue.)

I'm sure you'll do better in that group than I would.....just being honest.


"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it 
tougher for sober people to own cars." - Unknown

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