[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sat May 14 18:12:30 CDT 2011

On 05/14/2011 06:57 PM, davidm at hisfeet.net wrote:
> In Nogales years ago I taught an adult SS class in a Baptist "Ch". A
> Pentecostal lady invited me to a house meeting of Saved Roman Catholic
> people.  They asked me to come on Thursday nights and teach them from the
> Bible, so I was teaching two adult classes every week. I wasn't (and am
> not) a registered member in either cult, Nor do I agree with much of their
> doctrine, but They both accepted me as a teacher of the word, which 
> expectation I desire to fulfill. And in both groups there were (and are)
> sincere men and women who know the Lord and want to know and follow the
> word. In both there is confusion on some important points of doctrine, but
> one very important doctrine of scripture is that you are not saved by
> right doctrine, but rather by grace through faith in the Savior.
> One day I mentioned the Thursday night home meeting to one of the ladies
> in the Sunday morning meeting, and she was really quite horrified that I
> would fellowship with "catholics".  She quoted 2Cor.6:17 to me in a
> questioning sort of way.  I replied that if I were to apply that verse in
> the way that she wanted me to apply it, I wouldn't have fellowhip with the
> Baptist people either.
> Although some of the various cults and denominations teach more (or less)
> of the basic truths of the Bible than others I don't see a huge
> difference. They are all organised along human, anti-biblical lines. They
> are all partakers of the clerical/laity system that Jesus hates, and
> intent upon building their own system rather than the Church that jesus
> refers to in Mathew 16:18.
> I want no part of their system, but I want all I can get of the fellowship
> of those among them who truly trust in Christ.  I need their ministry, and
> they need mine, and yours.

It is the organized church, meaning the various denominations with their
conventions that have provided the structure for those who wish to water
down, change, or destroy our Lord's word. True, today not all of the
damage is done by those organizations, as we all know of examples of
those outside the mainstream who are driven by other motives, like money.


"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it 
tougher for sober people to own cars." - Unknown

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