[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Thu May 12 22:03:08 CDT 2011

On May 12, 2011, at 5:40 PM, sjm wrote:

>> Yes, I know. But those who are committed will leave.
> Depends on "committed"... to what?
> Committed in the asylum?  (Sorry, just had to. <g>)
> Committed to the gay agenda?   They might actually start coming more.
> Committed to the PC-USA?  They'll probably stay.
> Committed to Truth above all else?  They might leave.
> Committed to Grace and Mercy?  They might stay.
> Committed to God, his glory and mission?  Depends on whether God prompts them to stay and  be lights for him in the midst or whether he calls them elsewhere.

Agreed. I'm not convinced this is a clear cut reason to leave. If the PC(USA) insists their ministers must perform gay weddings, perhaps. If they insisted members deny the Trinity, I would agree. But, is the right thing to do always to leave and let an institution fall apart? I don't think so. Maybe or maybe not, as Ed said.

I know many people that we'd probably all agree appear to be "solidly committed" to "Truth above all else" who stayed at my old church while I and about a dozen others underwent mental abuse, slander, extortion, etc. Some of the people who left have counseling bills in the thousands of dollars trying to recover from what is happening there and those "committed" to "Truth above all else" are still sitting in their pews ranting about the gay agenda and such of "lesser" churches.

So, I think your "mights" are well founded. 

On the whole, I know I'd rather be in the PC(USA) any day over my old church, whose abuses have been publicized somewhat, but the ("good denomination") E-Free ignores.


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