[CS-FSLUG] OT: PC(USA) okay with 'gay' clergy

Yamandu Ploskonka yamaplos at bolinux.org
Thu May 12 20:10:30 CDT 2011

Then there is the come'in.and'take over, which can be a most interesting 
exercise as long as it's us the good guys who do it.

I read somewhere that such was the way that someone got the Quakers to 
take up anti-slavery.  He would walk into their meetings, where 
everybody is allowed to speak (or so the story said), and then he would 
present Scripture to them and how evil slavery was, until he convinced 
enough of their Meetings that it snowballed.

IMHO something like that would be almost impossible in "normal" 
institutional churches, and not only because many probably couldn't be 
persuaded to change their ways through Scripture :-(

On 05/12/2011 12:19 PM, Ed Hurst wrote:
> On Thu, 12 May 2011 11:46:12 -0500, sjm <sjm.mlists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> And about leaving, or staying... if all the people, that think the
>>> organization is moving in the wrong direction, just leave, the others
>>> will take over the organization and nothing will change back to the
>>> good! So staying and fighting might be more appropriate?
>> Reminds me of a friend of mine who chose to stay in the Roman 
>> Catholic Church to try to be an influence for God there.  He strongly 
>> felt that that was what God wanted him to do.
> Quite so. I've done both the stand-n-fight and cut-n-run at various 
> times and places. I must admit some regrets with both choices, but 
> only when I didn't follow my own best spiritual instincts. Trying to 
> let someone else choose for me, for whatever reason, has always been 
> the wrong choice.

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