[CS-FSLUG] Disc copier or computer and program needed

davidm at hisfeet.net davidm at hisfeet.net
Thu May 12 02:34:31 CDT 2011

About 6 or 7 years ago we saw the need to move from distributing gospel
audio cassettes and VHS gospel movies to distributing discs. We work
primarily with people who are illiterate or nearly so, and often do not
speak well any language in which the gospel is commonly preached.

Accordingly we investigated and obtained a "duplicating tower" capable of
duplicating 7 discs CD or DVD. Twice we have had to replace the 8
"burners", because the mechanism that moves the tray to recieve the blank
disc. or eject the recorded one was worn out. Now we are at that point
again, *but*

The burners needed are the outdated ide type. So we are faced with the
prospect of changeing the entire system.  I have been making some inquiry:
We will need one that will produce eight discs at a time, and one that has
a large hard drive, perhaps 2T. I haven't found one available with those

Does  anyone know if the new SATA "controller cards" are capable of a hard
disc that size? If so I could put one together from purchased parts. Or:
If I can find an appropriate case, and a Program to run multiple burners
simultaneously and efficiently, maybe a better answer would be to build a
computer with 8 DC/DVD burners, and a large hard drive or two.

Does anyone know of the availablilty of such a computer case? And such a
"burner" program? Also, Can you tell which "burners" are the more durable,
or are there any that really stand out?

Dave McMullen

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