[CS-FSLUG] Hacker...Me

Frank Bax fbax at sympatico.ca
Fri Jan 30 09:39:05 CST 2009

Jim Isbell, W5JAI wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Frank Bax <fbax at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Each program has pro/con; which one is *best* depends on what you need.
>> _______________________________________________
> What I NEED is the ability to access and run programs on a PC XT
> computer in the closet with no key board or monitor, from a remote
> station.

Is the closet system XP Home or Pro?  If the computer in closet is 
XP-Pro; you can use either VNC or RDP; both will work well.  If the 
system is XP-Home, then rdp is not supported, so you must use VNC.

You can install VNC client on both Linux and Windows, so control the 
closet system from either desktop.

As for controlling the closet system from another WinXP system; again 
the question is XP-Home or XP-Pro?  XP-Pro is fine.  I don't remember if 
XP-Home has the RDP client; so I don't know if you can use that to 
connect via RDP from WinXP outside closet to closet system.  If there is 
no rdp client; then again, you are limited to VNC only.

There is a rdp client (called rdesktop) in Linux which you can use to 
connect via rdp to system in closet (if the closet system has XP-Pro).

If there will be no keyboard in the closet; double -check it's bios 
settings to make sure that it will bootup properly when no keyboard is 
attached; some bios defaults will halt during boot if no keyboard is 


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