[CS-FSLUG] OT: President Obama has already crossed the line

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Wed Jan 28 12:26:29 CST 2009

I don't know how long God will allow the US to exist, as it has anyway,
Obama and both liberal controlled houses doing what they are. He has
promised to
provide for us to the end, so that is what we must hang on to. I fear that
very soon, "it ain't gonna be pretty!"


Mat Staver

                     Barack Obama is making you pay for abortions.
                     And Nancy Pelosi is pushing birth control as an
                     "economic stimulus." This new regime has already
                     crossed the line. See below.  -Mat

Last Friday, Barack Obama revoked President Reagan's policy preventing
our tax dollars from funding overseas abortions.

This came at the end of his first week in office during which he
launched the most radical anti-family, anti-life agenda in the
history of the U.S. Presidency. That agenda includes:

          Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act...

          Granting full rights (including adoption) to not only
          lesbians and homosexuals but bisexuals and transsexuals...

          Giving special workplace protection based on sexual
          orientation and even the wide-open category of "gender
          identity" that will stifle Christian businesses, religious
          organizations... and possibly even your church!

          Making the military an open forum for homosexuals...

          Supporting unlimited abortion as a fundamental "right."

+ + Pelosi: Birth control is a "stimulus"

Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is justifying the hundreds
of millions of dollars for "family planning" that Democrats stuffed
into Mr. Obama's spending plan as an "economic stimulus." Here is what
she said to the media:

"Family planning services reduce cost... Contraception will reduce costs
to the states and to the federal government."

Nancy Pelosi is supporting as official government policy that fewer
human births is an economic stimulus! This hearkens back to Planned
Parenthood founder and eugenics advocate Margaret Sanger's infamous
words: "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one
of its infant members is to kill it."

Mrs. Pelosi should be ashamed for her comments!  She should have
publicly retracted her statement, but given the opportunity to do
that, she said, "No apologies."

The Obama/Pelosi axis of power has already crossed
the line! And as one of our key Liberty Counsel partners, I'm asking
for your help right now to fight back.

          Your tax-deductible gift today to Liberty Counsel will help
          us battle in the courts and the court of public opinion
          against this anti-life, anti-family agenda. Go here to donate:


In the next week Liberty Counsel will have the first batch of 50,000
petitions ready for delivery to President Obama, opposing his radical
anti-life agenda. We are also sounding the alarm on our new national
daily call-in radio program called "Liberty Live."  And all this is
taking place while our attorneys continue fighting dozens of legal
battles in courts across the Nation.

If you agree with me that President Obama and the liberals in Congress
have already crossed the line, then please make your best gift today
to help Liberty Counsel.

Thank you and may God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. I want you to read both Nancy Pelosi's comments and Margaret
Sanger's words in context. You will be even more shocked! Go here
to connect to those resources and to make a gift:


+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C.,
is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to
advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the
traditional family.

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 800-671-1776

Someone is a liberal when you can't reason them out of
anything, because they never reason themselves into any

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