[CS-FSLUG] National Safety Council Urges Total Ban on Cell Use While Driving

Stephen J. McCracken smccracken at hcjb.org.ec
Mon Jan 19 16:18:44 CST 2009

>> The National Safety Council has called on drivers to stop using cell
>> phones and other communication devices while driving.

> Thankfully, in the UK, we've had that in place for a few years now
> (although hands-free kits are still allowed).

There have been studies out for a number of years now that show that
driving while using a cell phone is statistically about as bad as
driving while drunk.  The problem is that with current society, it is
far easier to ban drunks from driving than to ban a new piece of
advancing technology from being used.

IMO, the UK only addresses half the problem--that of having a hand tied
up not being used for driving.  The problem of having one's mind
concentrating on the conversation rather than on the road isn't really
addressed if hands-free devices are still allowed.


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