[CS-FSLUG] sudo, alternatives, configurators

Chris chris at deksai.com
Sun Jan 11 23:18:26 CST 2009

> Autofs and fstab
> don't cut it, because we're talking peer-to-peer, where the
> destination device may be turned off.  I don't want them to have to
> log out and in again to remount shares, I want them either to persist
> and auto-remount, or (as I have now, but with sudo-passwording) a
> script launcher on desktop for the remount.

Hmmm, maybe I am still misunderstanding you.  The auto mounter is
really meant for network mounting as you describe, and would
automatically mount the share every time it was needed. You would still
have to setup which shares were on which directories and whatnot.

Quickly setting up which shares were available or not would simply be a
matter of putting a # on the right line in the map file. If you wanted
user level granularity, I suppose you could work something out with
group memberships, or get tricky with executable maps.  Shares that
weren't available would show up as empty directories (unless someone
fills it thinking it is mounted ;-)


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