[CS-FSLUG] A new distro model for the real-world desktop

Ed Hurst ehurst at soulkiln.org
Fri Jan 2 07:19:01 CST 2009

Timothy Butler wrote:
>> This much is true. The trick is do find a Linux answer to Mac, not  
>> some slavish copy. For example, I don't care how trivial it sounds,  
>> having a mouse clipboard separate from any GUI clipboard is critical  
>> to how I work. It's a primary reason I reject Mac.
> 	I think you explained that before, but would you explain again, Ed? I  
> can't remember what precisely you mean there. Particularly since mouse  
> and GUI really aren't distinct, typically.

Mouse paste. It works on the console without the GUI, as well. Clicking 
the middle button can paste what's in the GUI clipboard, but only if it 
doesn't have its own content.

>> I realize I can run the X server on Mac and get it to work for X- 
>> based apps, but that's not Mac, that's a hack, a failure to port  
>> from X to Cocoa.
> 	I think that's roughly equivalent to, say, running both Qt and GTK  
> apps... :-)

It's like running KDE apps under GNOME, but for the most part, not the 
other way around. KDE loads a server for everything; GNOME apps often do 
not; when they do, it's a whole lot smaller.

Ed Hurst
Associate Editor, Open for Business: http://ofb.biz/
Applied Bible - http://soulkiln.org/
Kiln of the Soul - http://soulkiln.blogspot.com/

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