[CS-FSLUG] A new distro model for the real-world desktop

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Thu Jan 1 13:24:18 CST 2009

> Nor do I think I like the Mac way of dragging and dropping, since I  
> found that counter-intuitive. Worse, most of the clients I've shown  
> on a Mac agreed *without me prompting them*.

	Admittedly, to a Windows user it seems a bit odd. But, it is easy to  
market. Here's what I say.

	Me: You know how you have to click through a bunch of stuff to  
install something on Windows.
	New Mac User: Yeah.
	Me: See this icon here that just popped up when I stuck in the CD?
	NMU: Yeah.
	Me: Just drag that to this picture of the application folder.
	NMU: Then what?
	Me: That's it. You've installed your program.
	NMU: You're kidding.
	Me: No, that's it.
	NMU: That's cool.

	Now, some major Mac apps, MS Office and Apple iLife amongst them, use  
pretty well standard issue installers much like Windows. Put in the  
CD, click "Install" and be walked through with a wizard-like thing.  
Those have zero learning curve.

	The future, though, may be able to mimic the iTunes App Store  
interface over apt-get. People LOVE downloading apps for the iPhone  
and iPod touch because it is so easy to find them and so stupidly  
simple to get them on the device. One click to download and install.


Timothy R. Butler | "Not  every end  is the  goal.  The end  of a
Editor, OfB.biz   | melody is not its goal,  and yet if  a melody
tbutler at ofb.biz   | has not  reached its end , it has not reached
timothybutler.us  | its goal."
                                            -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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