Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Thu Oct 30 16:21:12 CDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 6:32 PM, EnzoAeneas <enzoaeneas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Obama's lack of action on this contributes a problem that we all
> already struggle with: putting other gods (little 'g') before GOD.

Obama???? You are talking mr. cynicism himself! He is the person
behind it all!!!! Don't even think for a moment he's not behind it.
Listen to his speeches. They do something to give his voice a
"god-like" quality. You are being far too kind to this man. BTW, he's
now talking about his taxes not touching people who make under a
hundred thousand, or 150 grand, or two hundred grand.... He's changing
it constantly--and what did I say the other day. It matters not one
whit what he says today--it will have no bearing on what he actually
does or attempts to do. Don't be surprised to see him take your 401K
either at this point. He's bad news--can't even call him a liar! He is
more teflon than any before him. And you see, it doesn't matter what
he says, because he's the messiah, and he will do what he wants, and
people will go along with it. I have some audio of somebody asking
some Obama supporters if they like him because of his politics or
because of who he is. They all say for his policies, but agree with
his pro-life stance, and for picking Sarah Palin for his running mate.
Trust me, people are worshipping this man--just watch the network
news, man. The media is panting over him! You are being way to
charitable to him.

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

"I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals." --Jack Nicklaus

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